Build and manage your own Cybercrime Command Center and Cybercrime Quick Response Team to manage and protect your online reputation, take down libelous social networking sites, remove libelous materials from the Google search engine's page results and the Internet, and trace and identify anonymous cyber criminals hinding behind their fake social networking accounts.

Cybercrime Command Center

Build your own Cybercrime Command Center.
We will train your own select Cybercrime Quick Response Team on the following topics:
Responsive Website Design, Management and Administration
Tracing of people behind their Facebook and other social networking accounts
Basic Ethical Hacking Techniques (Computer, Cellular Phones and Mobile Devices)
Data Recovery, Data Security, Cyber Security
Take Down Services
Google Search Engine Positioning
and more...

Responsive Website Design

Build your own responsive website in just one day!
We will teach you how to build your own professional-looking website and
how to be on top of the Google search engine's page results.

Online Database Application Development

Connect with your branches. Automate and centralize your business transactions.
Ideal for Medical Diagnostic Centers, Recruitment Agencies, Schools and Businesses which operate online registration,
online reservation, online payment, member registration, etc.